Gender pay gap report
Difference in hourly rate
Women’s mean hourly rate is 10.7% lower than men’s
Women’s median hourly rate is 8.9% lower than men’s
Proportion of women in each pay quartile
Top quartile
39% of the top quartile are women
Upper middle quartile
11% of the upper middle quartile are women
Lower middle quartile
34% of the lower middle quartile are women
Lower quartile
70% of the lower quartile are women
Who received bonus pay
100% of women
95.5% of men
Difference in bonus pay
Women’s mean bonus pay is 5.8% lower than men’s
Women’s median bonus pay is 10% lower than men’s
Difference in hourly rate
Women’s mean hourly rate is 15.8% lower than men’s
Women’s median hourly rate is 11% lower than men’s
Proportion of women in each pay quartile
Top quartile
43% of the top quartile are women
Upper middle quartile
15% of the upper middle quartile are women
Lower middle quartile
37% of the lower middle quartile are women
Lower quartile
74% of the lower quartile are women
Who received bonus pay
75.8% of women
86.7% of men
Difference in bonus pay
Women’s mean bonus pay is 47.2% lower than men’s
Women’s median bonus pay is 5.3% lower than men’s